Man looking at lake and mountain

My Work Resolutions: Part 1

I resolve to strive for the following as I work

To always remember that humility before God and man is the beginning of all other virtues

To serve others and ultimately serve God in humble submission

To align my work ambitions with those of my team and my company (Philippians 2:3)

To help create a work environment where best ideas win

To not carry the burden of my job alone but be continually yoked with my Lord Jesus (Matthew 11: 28-30)

To not control but influence people

To start with why

To value people over processes

To be clear in my communications

To be gracious and allow room for mistakes

To continually align expectations with others

To be authentic and genuine, to bring 100% of me to 100% of where I go and what I do

To listen well and to strive to understand

To not be afraid to look foolish or make mistakes

To always keep the company, team and project goals in front of me

To list and prioritize tasks at the start of every day

To speak in my own rhythm and style, and not cave to peer pressure

To remain sober minded

To ask the right questions

To identify opportunities for automation in order to increase efficiency

To be 100% present in every meeting

To always guard my heart with regard to judgments toward others

To always exercise and deploy the common virtues

To do the right thing no matter what

To not worry about tomorrow. Today’s trouble is enough for today. (Matthew 6:34)

To be continued…

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